
1. FNLIA Membership Qualifications

– A foreign non-life insurance company or reinsurance company licensed to operate non-life insurance business in Japan.
– A Japanese non-life insurance company with a 50% or more foreign capital licensed to operate non-life insurance business in Japan.

*Please contact the Secretariat for more details.

2. What FNLIA can do for you

FNLIA provides liaison between the FNLIA member companies and the regulator and with other relevant institutions and organizations.
Through FNLIA, member companies can also voice their opinion about the insurance regulation/supervision and other matters as a foreign non-life insurance company.

FNLIA provides a broad range of information related to business, in Japanese and English.
FNLIA holds various seminars and provides knowledge beneficial for business.

3. Associate Membership Qualifications

The individuals and the enterprises/organizations that engage in a business related to the non-life insurance business but are not qualified for FNLIA membership as defined in 1. above.