Condition of Use
In Using This Homepage
The use of this Homepage shall be subject to your consent to the terms stipulated below:
Before using it, please read the terms carefully. Since these terms and conditions may change at any time, you are requested to access this page whenever you use.
Foreign Non-Life Insurance Association of Japan (hereinafter referred to as FNLIA) is paying as much attention as possible to ensure the accuracy of materials contained in this Homepage, but FNLIA shall not guarantee its reliability. Further, FNLIA does not guarantee that this Homepage or transmitting servers are free of viruses or other harmful elements.
Information and contents description on products and services described in this Homepage are not necessarily all-inclusive of relative provisions, conditions and .disclaimer, but served as general information purpose. For further information, please refer to the actual insurance policies or contracts for products and services.
FNLIA shall not be liable for the contents of homepages, other than FNLIA-operated one, to which this Homepage is linked. Providing a link is for users’ convenience only, which does not mean that FNLIA endorses such homepages or their contents.
Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances shall FNLIA be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the user’s use or inability of use of materials in this Homepage
Further, FNLIA shall not be responsible for damages, such as viruses, which the user’s computers or other properties may incur resulting from the user’s access to, or the use of, this Homepage, or downloading of materials and other data from this Homepage.
How to Use Information
FNLIA makes use of illustrations, photographs, text and data posted on this Homepage as the copyright holder or with the permission of their copyright holders. Concerning information, on which FNLIA holds copyright, users may reproduce all or any part of them without making any alteration, subject to permission of the relevant laws and a clear identification of FNLIA production as the source. In case, however, parties other than FNLIA hold copyright, no reproduction is authorized. Users are requested to follow such rules as are provided otherwise.
Please feel free to make a link to FNLIA Homepage (except for members only pages). In case you have linked to our site, please notify us You are recommended to make a link to the top page as we may change file names or the structure of directories without any prior notice.